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The Journey of a Psychic Medium

I was born from a long lineage of gifted seers connected to the Mary Magdalene bloodline. At the height of my fame as a psychic medium, I was struck down and left homeless. After years of avoiding my wounded past and with the help of the angels, I found healing, strength, and self-love!

Nicky Alan

Meet Nicky

Nicky Alan connects with the angelic and celestial realms, her spirit guides, and beings who have crossed over. During her recovery from a debilitating illness, Nicky gained a higher connection to the angelic realms. Today she shares her gifts and insights to help audiences go deeper into their own genius, find healing, and raise their vibration during this time of ascension.

How I connected to the angelic realms

I have been through the Dark Night of the Soul and have come out the other side shining like a new penny and now want to help you reach the rainbow after the storm.


Throughout my childhood I was surrounded by spirit people, I had premonitions, saw the doorway to Heaven, had psychic dreams, heard mysterious voices, and received many visitations from spirits and angels. 


I thought this was normal. It wasn’t until I saw the spirit of my dad at nine years old, two days after his fatal road accident, that I was told of our unique family lineage. I am from a line of mediums going back to the bloodline of Mary Magdalene.


After retiring as a Police Detective, my mediumship career accelerated quickly. My second book, The Rise and Fall of Britain’s Best Psychic Medium, recounts my journey into fame. I gave gob-smacking messages to celebrities and appeared in major TV productions. 


I was regarded as one of the best Mediums of my time until the unthinkable happened, a catastrophic event sent me crashing down and changed my destiny in the most unbelievable way.

In my first book, M.E Myself and I: Diary of a Psychic I share my painful story. I was left with nothing but two dustbin bags, demons from the past, and my two dogs.


I desperately grieved my old life and after years of exhausting pain and on the brink of suicide, I finally accepted guidance from angels and spirit guides. 


I experienced celestial miracles, started a new chapter in my life, and began my slow road to recovery. Inspired to give a voice to all those suffering from M.E, Fibromyalgia, and other chronic illnesses, I created a self-help spiritual memoir. I also started sharing psychic messages from my guides on my YouTube channel.


Today, my mission is to bring hope and faith with channelled messages from my spirit guides, the angelic realms, and loved ones who have passed over.

Live on set
Live on set
Live from the studio Five Set
On set
Nicky Alan Books on mobile devices

"Wow. Spellbinding! I just couldn't put them down!"

The Rise and Fall of Britain's Best Psychic Medium and M.E. Myself and I: Diary of a Psychic share Nicky's amazing journey. Both books are available in audiobook format from the shop and in paperback and Kindle formats through Amazon UK.

My Work

Content Creator

Nicky is regarded as a ‘grounded’ psychic medium, sharing her knowledge of angels, the paranormal and the spirit world through weekly videos, online courses and guided meditations on her hit YouTube Channel.


As a two-time, #1 International Bestselling author, Nicky delivers her unique 'keeping it real' view of what it is like to work for spirit, sharing hilarious anecdotes of being a psychic medium and channelling angels in her books.


Nicky's hit podcast SoulSpace reached the #1 most downloaded spiritual show in the UK after only a few weeks. Every month she offers messages and teachings from the non-physical world.



Nicky is The Psychic Detective in Fate and Fortune Maganize and has written for top publications like Psychic News, Psychic vision, Prediction, Candis, Kindred Spirit, Paranormal News and Spirit, Two worlds and Destiny.

TV & Radio

Nicky has made countless radio and TV appearances on Angels Haunted Devon FM, Street Seer Gifted channel, Nicky Alan a Sky documentary, Live From Studio five, Come dine with me, Angels and The Birdbrook Ghost Hunt. 

Police Detective

For eighteen years Nicky was a Major Investigation bereavement trained Detective who dealt with murder victim families and rape victims. She was medically retired in 2003 due to an on duty injury.


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